Julie’s favorites

So many avenues in art! It’s hard to pick one and say “that’s my thing!” My favorite changes with the wind, or the season, or the day.


Not having any formal training beyond grade school “specials” art class and a community summer program when I was 9, I have floated around the art universe trying out whatever struck my fancy. So you will see that some of my projects can be quite varied. I go through phases, like everyone, and always end up back at photography. Not in any serious way, just back to the love of capturing feelings and moments.

Mediums I have played with include acrylic paints, pastels, watercolor, ink, collage, mixed media, and photography.


So far, my favorite projects have been ones I’ve done for people that invoke memories of fun times. The Isle of Skye, and the Lake Erie back deck are two of my favs. I also love decorating Tom’s® Classics here are a few:

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